After a first successful rental, it can be tempting to rush to fill your space as quickly as you can. While you’ll want to rent all of your properties within a reasonable time frame to maximize the money that you’re bringing in, it’s vital to ensure that you are capable of meeting the demands these rentals will bring in.
Take Your Time
When everything is running well, being a Carlsbad landlord is not always a full-time job, but it can quickly become time-consuming, especially with multiple units. Be sure that you have the time and means to handle tenant needs and issues quickly. Seek help when you need it, and grow as slowly as you need.
Write Better Listings

Writing better property listings can help your rentals to stand out in a crowded market and catch the eye of prospective renters. A catchy headline and useful short description are two of the three legs on which your property listings can stand.
Your catchy headline should include the rental price, the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, a description of the type of property, and ideally list a great feature in the neighborhood.
A short description of your property should lead with the best feature and give at least two descriptors. Cover the basics of your property, mention the neighborhood and nearby features or landmarks, mention an exciting detail that helps your property stand out, and give any additional information a renter might need to know (such as how to contact you).
Attractive and professional photos are the third major element of an effective property listing. It is important to always include pictures, ideally several of them, that feature both the interior and exterior of the property.
Include pictures of all primary rooms in the property. Your listing should feature one photo for each bedroom and bathroom as well as all prominent living spaces. It would be best if you also showcased any unique elements or features of the property such as architectural features, outdoor space, or unique views.
Be sure to open up windows and turn on all available lights. You can always choose to hire a professional photographer, but it is not necessary. Just be certain that the subjects of your photography are neat and clean and select angles that complement the space you are photographing.
Don't Underestimate the Lease
Be sure to provide a written rental agreement or lease that effectively communicates your expectations and protects you and your tenants in legal situations. Written agreements make it easier to prove what was agreed upon and can make communication with your tenants easier. This is your opportunity to lay out specific rules and expectations. Be sure to stick with them consistently. Don’t make exceptions. This helps prevent confusion down the road.
It can be tempting to want to address every tenant concern and issue personally, but as you begin expanding your rental properties, it’s essential to avoid getting too involved. You want to be responsive to your tenants' needs and attentive to your properties, but there are only so many hours in a day, and it can quickly become overwhelming to try to address every day to day issue.
Hiring a Carlsbad property management company can relieve you of the need to get involved with the minor details of managing your properties, act as a buffer between you and your tenants, and free you to focus on the big picture of running your business.
If you need help choosing a property management company, you can download our free Guide to Finding the Best Carlsbad Property Management Company.